Not much has changed with Trevor. This weekend, his oxygen saturation levels were one extreme or the other. This is because of his PDA. The nurse and I were concerned, but the doctor wasn't really alarmed. He changed his breaths per minute from 30 to 35 and almost immediately the levels were better. I held him after that and the levels never went down (which hasn't happened in a long time!). His blood gas levels on Monday were still high so they increased the medicine to help get rid of the fluid in his lungs. He is doing good with the higher dosage. His weight has been up and down. Yesterday it was 1160 and today he is 1200. The red spots on Trevor's face are gone now. I'm not sure what it was but when they redid the tape they cleaned it off.
He already looks bigger than he did in your posts from August 30th =) I love and miss you guys.