Trevor is now over a kilogram! He is 1030 grams. About a week ago, the doctors told us he had a heart murmur and they suspected that he had a
PDA. This is probably why his oxygen saturation levels are swinging high and low.
The PDA can go away on its own just by Trevor growing more. That is why they gave him the extra calories. This morning, his oxygen saturation levels went really low while the head nurse was on break. The covering nurse thought she needed to manually pump air into his lungs instead of turning up his oxygen levels. The cardiologist team happened to be in the pod and saw his heart rate drop slightly. They replaced the respirator tube, and everything returned to normal. Needless to say, he got pretty stressed out from all the people messing with him. Conor and I decided that it was best to just let him sleep it off, instead of holding him today. During all this, we were told the baby across from Trevor slept through all the commotion. But of course, when we got there, he was crying and continued to cry for the remaining 2 hours we were there.
And the exciting news...Trevor has met a famous person! The on-call doctor today was, drumroll please... Jen from
TLC's Little Couple! She was very nice. She said that she might come back later to examine him. Thanks to my best bud, I was reminded that she worked there, but never thought we'd see her being that TCH is such a huge place! Conor just told me the mother next to us took a picture with her! I didn't really think about doing that since we were so concerned about Trevor's morning. It would have made for a nice baby book picture though!