Tuesday, May 31, 2011

This is a video of Trevor dancing of course to "Don't Stop Believing." (Jack's all time favorite song)  He does it quite a bit lately (both Trevor dancing and Jack listening to the song).  He has also started blowing kisses and waving more. He let my cousin Ashley and my boss hold him this past week! This is not normal for him, but it's a good thing for sure! We took a trip to the lake this weekend and Jack did two cannonballs off the boat. Trevor was not a big fan of the lake, so we didn't even get on the boat with him. He loves the water, but I think it was a bit cold for him. I think Jack would have a blast floating down the river, so we're trying to plan a trip in July to do that. Trevor is still being a big bully at home and sleeping worse than ever. We had to leave the lake at 6:30 am because he was screaming his head off several times (sorry guys if he woke you up). After a stop at HEB to get milk, he was a little better. He was playing with my phone at one point, and when I asked for it back, he dug down in his seat for it and handed it to me. It's amazing how much he knows compared to what he says.  He's been following directions very well.  But he got up at 5 today and proceeded to scream until 5:40, at which point I only had about 30 minutes to sleep. Needless to say, I reset the alarm and rushed to get ready today. My sister's babies aren't doing much better at sleeping this week. I'm afraid Trevor taught them some bad habits. I feel sorry for Jess and Dusty in about 8 months. Sorry, and good luck! Maybe by then, Trevor would have gotten better and I can help them out more. Now every time I go over to Jessica's house, I chase Trevor around and try to keep him from screaming and waking up the babies.
I realized I learn something new almost everyday. It's not just a saying.  The other day I learned what the word depilatories meant thanks to Mary. Today I learned how much patience I have.  I think anyone who has a 10 year old laugh in their face while they say, "No, I don't want to and don't have to," and who doesn't do anything inappropriate here would have the patience of a saint. Apparently I do.  Thankfully,  I only have ONE AND A HALF days of it left, and I can rest assured Jack will NEVER be that kid. I also learned today that Trevor can climb up in my rolling office chair and that he loves Oreos like his mom (neither a very good thing).
And I'm a little upset after a series of events that have taken place in my front yard. First, it included a pile of dirt covering half of the front yard due to a pipe of some sort being dug up by the sidewalk. This impeded our attempts at driving the Power Wheels in our normal loop around the street.  The grass was already high, but I thought I'd look pretty stupid mowing a small section of grass around a huge pile of dirt. So I didn't mow.  Then they put the dirt back after at least a week (imagine now how high the grass is now, really just weeds) and I realize the sidewalk has been torn up too. After a few days, they put new grass down. I was too busy to mow or water the grass, so the weeds grew and the good grass died - a pretty sorry looking yard. Then I get a letter saying I need to mow ASAP! OOPS! So we did. And THEN....four days later, after my new, dead grass is finally starting to turn green and the weeds are already growing back, they go and dig up some grass to get to pour a the new sidewalk!!!!!!  You would think they would put the new grass after the new sidewalk, but NO! We'll see if they get it fixed right this time!
Trevor had a blast after running around the trampoline with Jack. Maybe if I don't lock myself out of the house next time we go back there, I'd have a camera to record it.
Lastly, I have to mention the words of a 7 year old....
We were at a garage sale two weekends ago where I found a Top Gun Soundtrack on record. When I went to pay for it, Jack asked why I was so excited about it. I told him it was Suzy's favorite soundtrack/movie. He said, "But Suzy passed away, and she's in Heaven now." All I could say was, "Yes, Jack, I know."

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