Trevor's personality is coming out more and more (for the better and for the worse). He just started making car noises while pushing around things. It took me a few times to figure out that was what he was doing. The first few times it was while I was holding him and he did it up and down my arm. Then Sunday morning, we woke up and he started trying to tickle me. It was so cute because I do it to him all the time and he finally learned to do it back. He laughed when he did it too. He has started climbing on the couch, lazy boy type chair, and his bed and then dancing on it. He hasn't fallen off yet, though, which is a good thing. He also dances alot more to music, especially "Old McDonald." The other day, another kid at daycare scratched up his face because Trevor tried to take his toy. I'm really surprised Trevor didn't hit him back. He's kind of a bully to Jack. He loved the sprinkler. Whereas Jack would run away screaming, and still does, the second the water hits his face, Trevor stood in front of it and just laughed as he got soaking wet, fully dressed. I was really just trying to water the grass. He loves looking at planes in the sky. We were at a friend's house near NASA and saw numerous planes within two hours and every time, Trevor stopped, pointed to his ear when he heard it and would find it in the sky and point to it.
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