The first two days of Easter break were awesome!
Friday was spent deciding when to go to the beach. Pretty much everything these days is dependent on when Trevor takes his nap. After that, we headed down to Surfside for beautiful, but windy weather. I assumed the water was too cold, so I didn't bring Trevor's swimsuit, just extra changes of clothes this time. The water was actually nice! To my surprise, Trevor didn't mind the water and sand after I got him used to it. Then, I couldn't get him or Jack out of it! We went back to the house when we saw Jessica and the crew arrive. After another trip to the beach which involved all of us getting our pants wet in the waves, we headed back for quick, but loud (from the screaming) baths with the babies and Trevor...then dinner from The Purple Cow. Yum! Jack and I decided to stay the night. He got up early (as early as he could) with Grandpa to go fishing. They left Trevor and me with him screaming, "I wanna go BEACH!" So I packed up, covered him in sunscreen, or tanning lotion - spf 8 since Jessica took our sunscreen home with her, and neglected to cover me with it. Then, I tried to lock the door. This is where the rusty old key got stuck in the lock. Trevor was a bit upset. I still believe everything happens for a reason. This one was two-fold. One - Trevor had a very dirty diaper within the hour that would NOT have been pleasant while playing in the sand, and Two - I would be even more burnt than I am now and in horrible pain from my sunburn if I had gone to the beach at 9am. I didn't want to call Grandpa and make them come home from fishing sooner than expected, and I knew that as soon as he got home, he'd pull out the key like it was nothing (which is exactly what he did before I even knew it). But like I said...everything happens for a reason. We had a blast at the beach, playing in the bubbles the waves made and with sticks that washed up on shore. Then Trevor enjoyed his nap to recharge for a third beach trip with the babies! I can't wait for summer to come. I hope Trevor doesn't forget how much fun he had this weekend! It was just a few weeks ago that he freaked out when his feet touched the sand! Yesterday and today were lazy days...Jack is watching "Back to the Future." We looked at Blockbuster for it with no luck but found it at the library. It made his day! He is set on having a "Back to the Future" birthday party. I'm not so sure about it...
I'm glad my family (and Deborah) was around this weekend to keep me preoccupied. It's been a year since Suzy passed away. I've never had to deal with the loss of someone so close to me and never knew it would be this hard. This year has been full of the silliest or smallest things reminding me of her. Almost everything - like how driving in the rain reminds me of how she used to try to not use her windshield wipers and how her driveway became "Lake Gregory." Seeing a motorcycle parked far up in a parking spot makes me think of time she told me her scooter almost got run over by someone trying to park in the same spot at school. She was told not to pull up so far in the spots in the parking lot! Going through the stuff from her classroom had to be the hardest thing. I had to do it during the end of the year and at the beginning of summer last year. I still find things I haven't seen with her handwriting on it. I love seeing her handwriting even if it sounds crazy.
She loved going to the beach, even though she hated the sand that would stay on her even after a shower. We used to stop at Tookie's on the way home, with her burnt to a crisp. I think she used to see how burnt she could get even though she would always say how mad her mom was going to be about it. I wasn't trying to get burnt this time, though. I remember one time, on the "short cut road" to the beach, she said she saw an alligator. Ever since then, I had looked for one every time we went down that road but had been unsuccessful. Last summer, we FINALLY saw one. I couldn't believe it. I always thought she was just seeing things. I still look for them every time!
Even a kid walking down the street who had stepped on some glass yesterday made me think about how she used to walk around barefoot everywhere. I used to always try to get her to wear shoes. One time she sang along to Margaritaville saying something besides: "Blew out my flip flop, stepped on a pop top." I can't remember what she said, but it was funny because several times she had blown out her flip flop! I used to make fun of her until it happened to me too one time!
Last week, when I heard this song, even though I've heard it many times, this time, Suzy came to mind.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gy3yov4u70c (warning for those who don't like country...this is a George Strait song! )
"I believe it's a half full, not a half empty glass....Folks are always dreaming about what they'd like to do, but I like to do just what I like." - So Suzy! : )
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