Friday, April 8, 2011

We lost one of the most positive, carefree and loving individuals yesterday morning. My best friend since 6th grade passed away. She had her beautiful baby boy Bear on Sunday after calling me to tell me her contractions were 7 minutes apart. I told her if she didn't leave for the hospital right then, I was coming over there to get her. I think I finally convinced her when I told her if she waited much longer, she wouldn't be able to get an epidural. I'm almost positive she was able to get one because she called not long after having the baby and said how easy and smooth it was. The doctors told her not to tell anyone how easy it was. She went home Tuesday and I got to visit briefly with them. I have had a bad cough and didn't want to spread germs, but I had to see them. Wednesday she didn't feel great at all and ended up going to her doctor that evening. She was immediately sent to the hospital for antibiotics due to an infection. Before I went to bed, her mom called to tell me this and asked for prayers. She hung up so quick, I didn't know what to think and didn't want to bother them by calling up there. About 2:30am John called and asked me to come up saying things had gotten much worse. They eventually got her stable and were going to transport her to Herman Hospital. Right before the transfer something went wrong. They decided to transfer her anyways and she passed away during the transfer, or right after getting there. I am so thankful John called me so I could be with the family for support.

After reading everything people are posting on Facebook about her, I don't think I could say it better than they already have. She made me who I am today. When you are around someone sooo much, you begin to pick up their mannerisms. I'm happy to say there will always be a part of her in me. We were pretty much opposites, but that helped keep us level headed and our feet on the ground. I'm so glad Jack got to know what a great person she was. It'll be hard on Monday walking into school because most of the time we arrived within minutes of each other and walked in together. If she saw me coming down Bayway, she'd wait outside the car, and if I saw her flying down the street, I'd do the same. A few times, we pulled up at the same time and had a mario-kart type race to park. I let her win because I didn't want anyone to get hurt! : )
The kids call me Mrs. Gregory half the time in class and I never corrected them because I didn't mind being call that at all.
I couldn't sleep much last night thinking back on all my memories from the first day I saw her in the gym at Baytown Junior, to orchestra, to road trips across states, countless airplane trips from Murray to home, switching out which bunk we'd get in the dorms every semester to be fair. I could go on forever I think. But I'll stop for now.

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