Great news today! The head ultrasound was done very early this morning. When we got to the hospital around noon, they called and got the results for us. Everything looked great! The nurse was also able to take him off the ventilator for a few hours this morning. He is back on it now, but almost at the lowest setting possible. We were way off with the amount we thought he was eating. It was only 4 ccs, not 40 (30 ccs=1 ounce). Today they increased it to 6 ccs. She also said we could hold him now and so Conor got to hold him for about an hour. Before they took him out, Conor changed his diaper. While he was changing the wet diaper, Trevor pooped! Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers!
Glad things seem to be going so well for you guys and Trevor! Let me know if you need anything, I thinking of you all!