Sunday, August 30, 2009
Day 11

Trevor had a bath today, so he's super clean in this picture. We didn't hold him today because he had been moved around alot with the bath. They also did some tests earlier today to check for infection. He is on some antibiotics as a precautionary measure because they won't have the results for about 48 hours. If he is clear of infection, they'll just stop the medicine.
Friday, August 28, 2009
August 28
Good news! Yesterday, the night nurse told us he was 2 pounds 1 ounce. However, the day nurse today said he was just back up to his birth weight...so I'll ask the head nurse tomorrow what his true weight is. Either way is good, because apparently some babies take alot longer to get back to their birth weight after the initial weight loss.
Today, the line in his belly button was removed. He now has the IV in his hand. He is still getting caffeine and now vitamin A (supposed to help prevent chronic lung disease I think).
His breathing was not so great Thursday, but today the nurse said he was doing well. He got a new neighbor. It got pretty loud in there with them and then the shift change was happening so lots of nurses were coming in, so it was a good thing he was in his incubator to block out most of the commotion. He is also up to 14 ccs of milk (about half an ounce).
Today, the line in his belly button was removed. He now has the IV in his hand. He is still getting caffeine and now vitamin A (supposed to help prevent chronic lung disease I think).
His breathing was not so great Thursday, but today the nurse said he was doing well. He got a new neighbor. It got pretty loud in there with them and then the shift change was happening so lots of nurses were coming in, so it was a good thing he was in his incubator to block out most of the commotion. He is also up to 14 ccs of milk (about half an ounce).
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
One week old!

Today Trevor is a week old! I got to hold him. He was very squirmy for the first 20 minutes or so, but then fell asleep. He is up to 9 ccs of milk. If he does well with his feedings tonight and in the morning, they are going to take out the line that is in his belly button. It has the electrolytes, lipids, and caffeine. But he should be getting what he needs now from the milk, and the IV is a risk for infection. The doctor came by and spoke with me. He said they will be trying to get him off the respirator within the next few days as well. His blood-gas levels weren't so great the past few days, but he said today's levels were good. The respirator is at a very low level so he does alot of breathing on his own. So that is looking promising!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Day 6

Great news today! The head ultrasound was done very early this morning. When we got to the hospital around noon, they called and got the results for us. Everything looked great! The nurse was also able to take him off the ventilator for a few hours this morning. He is back on it now, but almost at the lowest setting possible. We were way off with the amount we thought he was eating. It was only 4 ccs, not 40 (30 ccs=1 ounce). Today they increased it to 6 ccs. She also said we could hold him now and so Conor got to hold him for about an hour. Before they took him out, Conor changed his diaper. While he was changing the wet diaper, Trevor pooped! Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers!
Monday, August 24, 2009
August 24

Today when we arrived, the nurses excitedly told us that Trevor had his first poop. This is a big deal because it means he is digesting the milk. They also were doubling the feedings now (I think he is up to 40 ccs). Trevor opened his eyes when I put my hand on him. He pretty much slept the entire time we were there. Tomorrow is the brain ultrasound so keep praying for him!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
August 23

Today the phototherapy was stopped. There is very little light and the cover is off of his eyes. Now we can see his face! They also took out the line that measured his blood pressure. They will still monitor it but not as often. In the next few days they will be doing an ultrasound on his brain to check for hemorrhaging (which is pretty common). They started giving him breastmilk Saturday evening and he has been able to digest it so far which is great news!
Thanks for all your prayers. We're still trying to get the paperwork that we need to the right place for the blood donations. He has only needed a little so far Thursday night. Thank you in advance if you are able to donate. Even if it is not a match to Trevor it will benefit someone in need.
August 20

His first 24 hours were good. He is getting the all the nutrients he needs and even some caffeine through an IV. He hasn't needed any medications. He is under a light (phototherapy) to help with the bruising on his head. Because of the constant bright light, they keep his eyes covered all of the time. I was out of the hospital by lunch today so we went straight to TCH to visit and take these pictures. He likes to lay on his stomach.
August 19

Trevor was born on Wednesday, August 19 at 5:13 p.m at San Jacinto Methodist Hospital in Baytown. He weighed 1 pound 13 ounces and was 13 inches long. He was taken to Texas Children's Hospital by ambulance a few hours later. Conor rode with him and spent the first night with him. The neonatal doctor at San Jacinto Methodist was impressed with his condition. He cried almost right away and his vital signs were good. They brought him back in the room for everyone to see before they left for TCH.
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