Sunday, November 20, 2011

I love my boys, even...

when Trevor climbs into the laundry basket and demands his sippy cup be delivered to him.

when Trevor climbs into his shopping cart for a front row seat to Barney.

when Conor posts a picture of Barney on his facebook account (don't ask why) causing Trevor to remember how much he apparently loves Barney.

when we watch the same four episodes of Barney non-stop since then.

when Trevor and Spunky try to hide in the kitchen cabinets.

when they turn the plastic video rocker chairs upside down to turn them into slides!

when Trevor locks the door to the garage while I'm doing laundry (note to self - don't do this again if Jack or Conor aren't there to let me back in).

when Spunky annoyingly cries at 3 in the morning to come inside, but then curls up on the bed with us.

when Jack lies to me repeatedly about stuff like how he submitted a drawing and now it's the new character on the cartoon show. Yeah right, Jack!

when both the boys sing along to Journey from the backseat, but tell me to be quiet when I sing it in the store.

when both the boys drink CapriSun and leave their empty containers all over the house so I never know who to blame.

when they spin each other around in the desk chair and cry when they get hurt.

when Trevor screams bloody murder all the way down the hallway after we drop Jack off at Sunday school.

but most of all,

when Trevor runs down the hall singing, "Where is Mommy, Where is Mommy, I don't know?" (to the best of his ability)

when Jack asks Trevor for a kiss, then a hug.

when they ride in the PowerWheels together laughing/screaming or just chillin down the road.

when Trevor yells, "MOMMY!" when he sees me at daycare.

when I put Trevor in Jack's old clothes and think of how cute they both are/were in it!

when they sing their ABCs together!

when I tell Trevor to get his shoes so we can leave and he says, "Jack?" because he wants him to come too.

I wouldn't change a thing! : )

Friday, November 11, 2011

Trevor can sing his ABCs! He started doing it one day back at the end of September, but by now, it's recognizable! Last week, I was quizzing Jack over his spelling words. As he spelled them outloud, Trevor looked at him kind of funny and then started singing his ABCs. It was as if he was saying, "That's not right at all, Jack. It's like this!"

Trevor is still hitting Jack and me when he gets angry.  I walked out of the room one time, and I could hear Jack talking to Trevor about how he should be nice to Mommy. Then he tells him he needs to go apologize to me, walks him down the hall holding his hand, and said, "What do you have to say to Mommy, Trevor?"  I make Trevor apologize to Jack all the time, so Jack's heard that countless times. I'm glad he's actually using manners!

At a neighborhood garage sale where I was supposed to be making money, of course I spent plenty.  I couldn't help but notice the race car bed like Jack used to have out in someone's yard as I drove in to set up. I felt it was fate that it was still there when I finally made it down there. So now Trevor has a blue race car bed too! He was super excited about it. I can't say he sleeps better in it, but it's pretty darn cool!

A few weeks ago, we went for Trevor's final evaluation with the Ages and Stages Clinic at Texas Childrens. I haven't received the actual results yet, so based on what I remember, he is behind on his gross motor skills. He wouldn't talk for them at all, even though he warmed up to them pretty quickly. His problem solving skills were above what they should be. That doesn't surprise me at all. He is just very determined. From now on, we'll meet with a doctor once a year that follows them as they get older just to check their progress. Once we were done there, even though it was obvious he was ready for his nap, we walked over to the NICU to see if his nurses from two years ago were there. One doesn't work there anymore, but the other main nurse, Angie, was there. She even remembered Jack and asked about him!

And then there was Halloween!  Jack had planned to be a Lego man well over a month before Halloween. I had even purchased some of the materials to do it, well all of them because I didn't buy much, but of course waited until the week before to start it.  I got the red Lego man for Jack and the Lego pieces for Trevor and I done the Friday and Saturday before so that we could go to the day care carnival. Then Sunday, I decided to make Conor a Lego costume as well.  It was so awesome, I knew Jack would no longer think his red shirt was cool enough, so I made him a new "box" shirt that matched Conor's. The heads took the longest, so making another shirt was pretty quick and fun. As we trick or treated with my cousin and his family, a couple people asked to take our picture! I was impressed that Trevor kept it on all night. I was so worried that I'd spend the time to make it and he wouldn't want it on. Once it was on, he was good. We had a slight struggle at first. When I was taking their pictures, I caught myself saying, "Jack look at me. Smile." Then realized it was the whole head that needed turning. (oh, Dad didn't get the memo about wearing a long sleeve black shirt and black pants)

And finally, a crazy Jack story that made me laugh....
We were coming home last week and we were discussing his grades. His math grade was not good at all, and I was hoping it would come up before report cards. He mentioned that his handwriting grade wasn't going to be that good and he needed to work on it. I agreed. Then, as always, came his excuse. "Remember when I was in first grade and I almost broke my finger?"  "Yes, Jack," I say as he grabs his LEFT fingers (I don't really remember which hand it was, but knew where he was going with this). He continues, "Well, it left them kind of bent."  "Jack, what hand is that....what hand do you write with?" He says after thinking about it, left, and left. So I give him a pencil and tell him to act like he's going to write his name. We happened to be at a stop light now, so I look back and watch him place it in his left hand, with the help of his right hand, and position it somewhat correctly. He looks up at me like, "See?" So I give him a scrap of paper and tell him to write his name now. At this point, he thinks I'm not looking. He goes to do it, realizes he can't, and without raising his head, looks up to see if I'm looking as he switches the pencil into his right hand. I laughed and said, "HAH! I caught you!" He laughed too and continued to try and make up excuses about his handwriting! He is something else, but in an entirely different way than Trevor is. Even his old daycare teacher that we see at the dollar store agrees. She told her cashier friend they look alike, but are night and day!