Monday, March 28, 2011

waving finally

After a long day of high-fiving, I decided if he could do that, then he could wave. So by the end of the day, he was waving. Sometimes it's a double hand wave. He won't always do it when you want him to either. It kind of looks like he's dribbling a baskbetball. He loves to carry around the basketball and always looks up at the goal.

We made it to the beach twice this spring break (once for the St. Patty day parade and another just for fun). The second time the field behind us had bluebonnets everywhere.

Trevor LOVES riding in their Power Wheels. I'm glad we're finally getting some use out of it. Trevor tries to climb up in it by himself. I'll be in trouble when he gets tall enough to reach the pedals. We finally turned up the speed so Jack had a BLAST! He didn't want to come in. Now everytime we come inside, Trevor throws a huge fit. You probably think I'm exagerating, but it involves screaming and banging his head on things. I can't even go in the garage to do laundry anymore with out him seeing me and throwing a fit because he can't play outside.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Friday, March 18, 2011

Latest news

There are lots of pictures and videos since the last post that I will try to post! First of all, Jessica had the twins on March 7th. I can't believe they're only 10 days old!! Here is a link to her blog. It's much more entertaining than mine! It's
Trevor's been back in daycare since February 7th. I think his speech has actually gotten worse. All he does now is babble and scream. He also started banging his head on the floor (tile or carpet) and wall when he gets mad. I asked today if he does it at daycare, and they said no, but another kid does. Hmm...I wonder where he learned that one from.
He loves to ride in Jack's Power Wheels truck. He even tries to crawl into it when we are in the garage. We have been taking daily walks/rides as soon we get home from daycare. The weather has been beautiful, and I don't know what we'll do when it gets too hot or the mosquitos get too bad.
Today, Trevor came home with his first bite mark. I won't be surprised if he bit the kid back though. I didn't see it until we were home, so I didn't get to ask them about it.
Jack and Trevor have lots of fun jumping on the trampoline.
We went to the zoo this week. Jack got a mood changing necklace with a frog on it that he is VERY proud of. His hair is getting very long...eventually we'll go get it cut.