Friday, November 12, 2010

2 months later

It's been a while since I updated this! He has 8 teeth now! They are very easy to see. His drooling has lessened considerably. He was doing alright at daycare. He finally got used to it and stopped crying in the mornings after a while. But there were some nights when he would wake up every hour screaming. I think it was because he had been given dairy (one time it was milk, pudding once, and grilled cheese). Each time, I talked to the director about how he can't have dairy products. I was told to tell the teacher, however, the teacher in the mornings did not feed them lunch, so the message wasn't being passed on. Once the excuse was that it was "low-fat"milk in the pudding, and lastly, that the employee didn't know that government cheese had milk in it. That's where I drew the line, and we switched daycares. He's been in the new one 4 days and each day has been GREAT!
He had his first earache about 2 weeks ago, which caused a fever of 103 two nights in a row. He also began standing up and clapping his hands. Each time, Jack would say "Look Mommy!! Trevor is standing by himself! Good job, Trevor!" Even after the tenth time, Jack acted like it was the first! Last Saturday, at my sister's house, I stood him up. He looked around and took 7 steps, like it was nothing! He did it one other time, but we had a hard time getting him to do it at home. He's taken a few here and at the new daycare, but nowhere near 7 again!!
He's become more vocal. He says da-da alot, but at lots of things, not just at Conor. Jack still makes him crack up laughing all the time. I think he broke our television by banging repeatedly on it. Hopefully it's repairable under our warranty. We have to wait until Thursday to find out. He had his first trip to Tennessee at the end of October. He was really good on the way there (we drove) and did good during the rest of the trip too! The way home was not so much fun.
That's about it! I can't believe it's almost Thanksgiving. That was his due date, so he'll be like a one-year old would be. I'll post pictures soon! There's alot!